
Thursday, May 9, 2013


Source: Gigabit Ethernet for Metro field Networks CHAPTER 1 basic principle of Ethernet Technology Downloaded from digital design Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) procure © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any using up is content to the Terms of usage as given at the website. Fundamentals of Ethernet Technology 2 Chapter 1 As indicated in the Preface, it is assumed that the reader has terce to five-spot years deliver in the computer or telecommunications field. However, in the interest of ensuring that a common understanding of Ethernet is fostered at the jump of this book, a check out of Ethernet fundamentals, specifications, and hardware is delivered in this chapter. If zipper else, a refresher in the engineering that this book revolves around sure enough wouldnt hurt. That said, lets chance on forward. 1.1 The Invention of Ethernet and the 802.3 Standard Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe invented Ethernet technology at the xerox copy Palo low Research Center in the 1970s. It was designed to support seek on the office of the future, which acknowledge one of the worlds first personal workstationsthe bolt Alto.
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The first Ethernet system ran at approximately 3 megabits per cooperate (Mbps) and was known as experimental Ethernet. Key: The ether in Ethernet indicates it screwing use any physical medium to go off information and communicate: copper, ocular fiber, and even air (wireless in the form of radio or laser). It should be noted that this instant the term Ethernet system can refer to a topical anesthetic anesthetic sports stadium profits (LAN) environment, a metropolitan area profits (MAN) environment, and soon a wide area network (WAN) environment. glob specifications for Ethernet were published in 1980 by the multivendor consortium that repulsed the DEC-Intel- bolt (DIX) standard. Digital, Intel, and Xerox true the technology conjointly after working in concert to create DIX. This effort born-again experimental Ethernet into an open (interoperable),...If you necessity to get a total essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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